Become a member
The Piano Technicians Guild is a non-profit organization of dedicated individuals working together to better their abilities and their profession. Through these efforts, they make substantial contributions to our musical culture and to preservation of the piano's musical heritage.
As a member of PTG you'll receive the latest information on piano manufacturing technology and servicing techniques that will help you use your time more efficiently and increase your income. You'll be able to communicate with other professionals who share your experiences, and you'll benefit from group insurance rates. Each month you'll receive the Piano Technicians Journal, which contains a wealth of technical information on tuning, repairing and rebuilding pianos. PTG annually sponsors a national conference where seminars and workshops are presented on a wide variety of piano technology subjects. Other educational opportunities are available regionally sponsored conferences and local meetings. PTG has a strict code of professional conduct, and members are asked to conform to a set of ethical standards.
When you join the PTG, you get become a member of a local chapter. We encourage applicants to attend a meeting of our San Francisco chapter, where you will meet piano technicians in your area . Go to the Events page on this website for information on the next chapter meeting.
Explore a fascinating career
Piano technicians are trained to tune, repair, adjust, and maintain pianos in top condition. This work exposes them to the colorful world of the piano and the interesting people who prioritize this instrument in their lives. Many technicians find their love of music is enriched by an ongoing exploration of the piano's technical side.
Skills required: Normal hearing, patience, average finger dexterity, and a willingness to learn are all it takes to begin building a rewarding career. Though helpful, a musical background is not required; many respected piano technicians aren't themselves pianists. Piano work involves some moderate physical activity, so strength, stamina, and flexibility are an asset. Those interested in self-employment will benefit from skills in operating a small business, and the PTG offers resources to help build those skills. Successful technicians have good organizational and communication skills and enjoy working with the public.
Working Conditions: Most piano technicians are self-employed. They work for private clients, music stores, piano manufacturers, schools, churches, festivals, and performance venues. It's a good profession for those who like to work independently. It offers a flexible schedule and a lot of local travel.
Income Potential: Full-time, experienced techs can average $35,000 to $75,000 a year, depending on location and capacity for work. A good business can be built in 3 to 5 years. Extra income can come from rebuilding, piano rentals, and sales. There are over 17 million pianos in the U.S. and the need for qualified technicians continues to grow.
Training: People learn to become piano technicians in many different ways. They enroll in residential schools, correspondence programs, and apprentice themselves to experienced techs. A list of piano technology programs is available at the PTG international website. Entry level training requires 6 months to 2 years, but allow 2 to 5 years of training and practice to develop competence. Tuition costs range from $1,000 for a correspondence course to $11,000 for a dedicated academic program. Opportunities for continuing education abound:
• National conventions
• Regional conferences
• Manufacturer-hosted trainings
• Workshops
• Online lessons
• Trade schools
PTG publishes the only trade-specific magazine in the field, the Piano Technicians Journal, in addition to many other technical and reference materials.