Lawrence J. Cook Memorial Lending Library
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Larry Cook was a long-time member and President of the San Francisco chapter of the PTG. Our chapter library has a large selection of books, pamphlets and videos about piano technology & history, excellent resources to prepare for RPT exams, plus items of interest to all piano techs. These are available for loan to current members.
Books, manuals, and other print media:
A Guide To Restringing, by John W. Travis
A Treatise on the Art of Pianoforte Construction, by S. Wolfenden
Apprentice Training Manual, by Randy Potter
Art Of Tuning The Piano, by Herman Smith
Art of Wood Finishing, The by H. Behlen
Baldwin Piano Service Manual - Grands, Studios, Consoles, Spinets by Baldwin
Baldwin Grand Piano Service Manual, by Baldwin
Building A Lathe, by A.W. Burford
But You Can Feel It, by Emil Fries
Calculating Technician, The, by David Roberts
Children of Dipsea, The, by CF Brughere
Creation Of Sound, by Kawai
Determination of Piano String Tensions, by Klaus Fenner
Educated Piano, The, by Edward McMorrow
Electronic Piano Tuning, by Floyd A. Stevens
Fundamentals of musical Acoustics, by Arthur H. Benade
Guide To Restringing, A, by John W. Travis
Harpsichord Manual, by Hanns Neupert
Harpsichord Regulating and Repairing, by Frank Hubbard
I Really Should Be Practicing, by Gary Graffman
Keyboard Instruments, by Clive Unger-Hamilton
Larousse Encyclopedia of Music
Let’s Tune Up, by John W. Travis
Lou Harrison’s Music Primer, by Lou Harrison
Michel’s Organ Atlas, by N.E. Michel
Michel’s Piano Atlas, by N.E. Michel
Music for the Millions, by Van Allen Bradley
Musical Engineering, by Harry F. Olsen
New Techniques For Superior Aural Tuning, by Virgil E. Smith
Niles Bryant School Manual
On Pitch, by Rick Baldassin
On the Calculation of the Tension of Wound Strings, by Klaus Fenner
Organs Construction and Tuning/ Player Piano, by Oliver C. Faust
PACE Lessons 1-7, by PTG
PACE Lessons 8-19, by PTG
People And Pianos, by Theodore E. Steinway
Piano -- Its Acoustics, by. W.V. McFerrin
Piano Action Handbook, by PTG
Piano Action Handbook (1991), by Randy Potter/PTG
Piano Book, The, by Larry Fine
Piano Facts, by Bill Finnegan
Piano Key and Whippen, The, by Walter Pfeiffer
Piano Nomenclature, by Nikolaus Schimmel and H. K. Herzog
Piano Owner’s Guide, by Carl Schmeckel
Piano Parts and Their Functions, by Merle H. Mason
Piano Servicing, Tuning & Rebuilding, 1st Ed., by Arthur Reblitz
Piano Servicing, Tuning & Rebuilding, 2nd Ed., by Arthur Reblitz
Piano Shop on the Left Bank, The, by Thad Carhart
Piano Technician’s Guide to Field Repairs, A, by Stephen H. Brady
Piano Tuning and Allied Arts, by W.B. White
Piano, The, by Philip Gurlik
Pianoforte and its Music, The, by Henry Edward Krehbiel
Pianos and their Makers, by Alfred Dolge
Pianos In Practice, by Eric Smith
Pre-Screening Manual, by PTG
Principles of Player Action Operation, by Standard Player Action Co.
Professional Piano Tuning, by W. Dean Howell
Randy Potter Course, by Randy Potter
Regulating Grand Piano Touch and Tone, by Danny L. Boone
Russell Collection of Early Keyboard Instruments, The
Service Manual for the 64 Note And 80 Note Standard Pneumatic Action, by Vestal Press
Steinway, by Ronald Ratcliffe
Steinway Saga, The, by DW Fostle
Steinway Service Manual, by Steinway
Talking About Pianos, by Steinway Co.
Technical Examination, The: A Source Book, by PTG
Temperament, by Stuart Isacoff
Theory and Tuning: Aron’s Meantone Temperment and Marpurg’s “I”, by John Link
Theory and Practice of Pianoforte Building, by WB White
Tuner’s Guide: Piano Forte, Organ, Melodeon, and Seraphine, by Oliver Ditson
Tuner’s Pocket Companion, by Oliver C. Faust
Tuning, by Owen Jorgensen
Tuning Examination, The: A Source Book, by PTG
Understanding Wood, by R. Bruce Hoadley
Vertical Regulation, by Yamaha
Vom Hammer (in German), by Walter Pfeiffer
What Makes Music Work, by Seyer, Novick, and Harmon
Wonders of the Piano, The, by Catherine C. Bielefeldt
Other media:
A Portrait of a Piano Maker; Seiler; Video; Reference
Aftertouch The Secret Of Ultimate Piano; Yamaha; Video & Softcover; 46p; Regulation
Grand Action Regulation in 37 Steps; Yamaha; Video/ Booklet; Tutorial
Key Leveling Made Easy; Meyer, Carl W.; Video; Reference
S.F. Young Pianist Competition; Audio Tape
Additional online resources:
A catalog of volumes in the Steve Jellen Library, housed by the PTG Foundation in Kansas City, Kansas, has links to those volumes available for free as digital copies.
A list of tuning and repair manuals over 100 years old is maintained by the PTG Foundation. Links take visitors to free downloads of digital copies.