Via Zoom
Alan Eder, technical presenter
Alan Eder led off the technical portion of the October chapter meeting with many tips and techniques on action repair and regulation. The meeting was recorded for people to peruse at their leisure.
President Matt Crudo called the business meeting to order at 8:28 pm. A total of 18 people attended the technical portion of the meeting, and there were 12 chapter members present for the business meeting.
The September minutes were approved as published in the newsletter. Treasurer Douglas Braak reported a total of $23,017.37 in the chapter bank account, minus a $200 honorarium that had not been cashed yet.
Nik Proctor reported on the progress of setting up a new web site for the chapter, having started a copy of our current web site.
The chapter had voted in December 2020 to use Square Space as the new host for our chapter, but Nik recommends Wix. The cost is comparable: Square Space pricing last December was $12/month; Wix will be $14 per month, regular price, with a sale now for either $9 or $11.50, depending on the level of services we desire. By consensus rather than a formal vote, the chapter agreed to go with Nik’s suggestion since the cost was almost the same.
The chapter currently communicates using Google Groups, which seems to serve adequately. Nik says that the new web site has a forum feature which we could make use of. Nik is looking for input on what to include on the web site that would be helpful to members. He can be reached at
VP Linda Kay is still working on lining up a technical for the November meeting. Larry Lobel reported that a local organization has an Ivers & Pond grand that it will be giving away. He will post the details in a couple of days.
Among the technical comments/questions was Nik Proctor’s description of a solution to a peculiar damper pedal problem. This particular model Kawai 650 grand did not allow for enough damper lift with the pedal. Travel wasn’t limited by the trapwork capstan, the liberty rail (damper upstop rail), the pedal rod length, or the lyre box itself. The culprit was the return spring in the trapwork, which was compressed to its limit on one side. Trimming the spring to the correct length (about 2 coils’ worth) was the solution.
The meeting adjourned at 8:51 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Margie Williams Secretary